Growth rates of produce processing industry are still close to the highest in Ukraine
According to information provided to "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal by the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, in the first half of 2006 the Ukrainian food enterprises increased production rates nearly 8% comparing to the same period of time past year. The growth rates for fruit and vegetable processing have already exceeded the general growth of processing performed by this industry more than twice. During the first six months 2006 the fruit and vegetable processing volume has grown 19% comparing to the results of past year.
The leading position of produce industry is confirmed by the constantly growing interest to this sector from the side of national and foreign investors. Annual international conference-exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine" has already become the traditional meeting venue for investors. This year the event will be held for the third time in Kyiv. The organizers say, there is a quite higher interest to the conference-exhibition observed this year comparing to the previous years. Experts think, the interest is increasing due to the greater openness of Ukrainian market and more intensive demand for Ukrainian produce both on inner and foreign markets. The conference will be named this year "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open market". There are discussions of the most urgent and interesting issues of the perspective development of the Ukrainian produce business in the program of the conference.