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September 12 2006, 14:57

The interest to apple orchard establishment is still high in Zakarpattya

Zakarpattya farmers are deeply interested in the technologies of intensive apple orchard establishment, according to information provided by Zakarpattya office of the Agricultural Marketing Project. The farmers are willing to extend orchard acreages, and this desire is confirmed by the farms registered for participation in the Field day focused on intensive orchard management. The event will be conducted by the Agricultural Marketing Project on the basis of KONYK farm, the most successful apple producer in the oblast. The farm plans to harvest up to 35 tons from one hectare of intensive orchard.

The HOLLAND PLANT UKRAINE company confirms a high interest to the produced seedlings of apple and other fruit trees from the side of Zakarpattya farmers. The production volumes of the enterprise are contracted for several next years. Still, the enterprise management complains of the inconsistent state policy regarding compensation of the cost for orchard and berry bed establishment. This compensation is also known as "one percent fee" (paid by alcohol producers). The relevant foundation does not regularly pay the compensation, consequently some clients are not able to buy out the ordered quantity of seedlings.

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