Poland compelled launching of the antidumping duties on the frozen strawberry from China
On the 10th of October European Commission took a decision to accede to the request of Union of Polish Deep Frozen Products' Producers and to clap temporary antidumping duties on import of frozen strawberry to EU countries. So, starting from the 18th of October frozen strawberry suppliers from China will pay 34.2% of antidumping duty in addition to the standard duty on import of frozen strawberry. The antidumping duty has been launched for 5 years.
Polish farmers, dealing with commercial cultivation of strawberry, felt serious business competition with China suppliers in 2004 for the first time. At that time, during the strawberry harvesting time in Poland the price on the frozen Chinese strawberry, delivered to EU, was about 0.6 EUR per kilo, when the production cost on strawberry cultivation in Poland at the same time was on about 0.55 EUR per kilo level, as estimated by analysts. Taking into account charges for freezing and delivery to EU, to compete with China, Polish producers had to sell strawberry with great losses for themselves. For example, in 2004 Polish exporters of frozen strawberry could not propose it to customers in the EU countries cheaper, than for 1 EUR per kilo.
The situation went worse in 2005, when Chinese suppliers began to supply frozen strawberry for 0.46 EUR per kilo already, herein that expenses for strawberry production in Poland grew highly. That situation led to substantial reduction of strawberry areas in Poland, which were traditionally the main strawberry supplies to the EU markets. With launching of the antidumping duties Polish producers hope to recapture the production profitability of this traditional for Poland berry and to increase its export to the markets of European Union.
Ukraine, which did not still saturated its market even with fresh strawberry, has not yet experienced the competition with China. Nevertheless, in recent years strawberry cultivation in Ukraine has been developing by high rates; and the interest to this berry continues to increase. In particular, every year several Ukrainian and foreign companies, which professionally deal with strawberry cultivation, announce about entrance to Ukrainian market. Notably, EKLAND MARKETING COMPANY, which deals with breeding, cultivation and supplies of heavy-productive varieties of strawberry nursery transplants in several countries of the world, will be the sponsor of the specialized strawberry cultivation forum during the third international conference "Fruits and vegetables of Ukraine - 2006.Open market". Besides, this company deals with marketable strawberry production. Beginning in 2007, the company plans to work actively on Ukrainian market. At that, foreign and native companies, specializing on berries cultivation, filed applications for participation at the conference. To get exclusive information about this branch, you should register for participation at the conference on this site.