The season of vegetable provision is finishing in Ukraine
Communicating with the analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, the players of Ukrainian produce market inform that the season of vegetable provision for storage can be considered as completed.
Some farmers still have stocks of potato, carrot, table beets, cabbage and onion; they say that the rates of produce sales have significantly slowed down this week. Most wholesalers have already fully loaded the storages to preserve vegetables and sell them in winter. Major companies do not plan to start selling vegetables till mid January - early February. Small wholesalers procure retail trading points with fresh produce; they have also reduced the purchase volumes because of the fact that city inhabitants finished to purchase vegetables for winter stocks too. And, even small wholesalers have recently started to actively invest to the construction of vegetable storages so that the demand for vegetables was shifted to the harvest period.
The demand has reduced so dramatically since the pervious two weeks that the wholesale prices for most storage-fit vegetables have declined too. Some farmers have excessive stocks of produce commodities which they can't or don't plan to store. They are often forced to reduce prices in order to sell out the excessive stocks of vegetables as fast as possible. However, the price decrease does not always result in the supply growth. This fact proves once more the accumulation of the record vegetable stocks; "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal has already informed about it.
The analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project are working now on the price forecast for produce commodities for the period December 2006 till June 2007. They also try to prognose the dynamics of vegetable production next season. The results of this survey will be presented during the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market". which starts working on December 5th 2006 in Kyiv. We remind that only three days are left till the termination of the registration of the conference participants!