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November 27 2006, 15:53

Vegetable prices continue decreasing in Ukraine

Despite of the coming winter, the average wholesale prices for vegetables continue decreasing on Ukrainian market. The price index for major vegetable crops was 5% past week; it is an unusual factor for this season.

If we consider the price dynamics for the crops, an average price for potato is 3-5% lower comparing to the previous Monday, an average price for cabbage is 7-10% lower, for onion - 5%, for carrot - 8-10%, for radish 20%, for table beet - 3-5%. It is worth mentioning that the average prices for greenhouse products have decreased since the previous week too. Greenhouse tomatoes cost in average 13% less, greenhouse cucumber - 3% less on Kyiv markets. To the opinion of the analysts of the Agricultural Marketing Project, the declining price trend is predetermined by high production of vegetables in our country and by warm weather which contributes to active trade.

The price perspectives on vegetable market for a new season will be presented in a week during the third international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2006. Open Market".

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