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January 3 2007, 13:05

Experts forecast fruit harvest growth in Argentina in 2007

To the opinion of the analysts of USDA FAS, fruit harvest (except citrus and other exotic fruits) will increase up to $ 1.78 in Argentina in 2007. The export will grow up to 680 thousand tons. To the experts' opinion, the production growth will be achieved solely due to the favorable weather conditions.

Apples will be the key driver of fruit production growth. According to preliminary estimations, apple harvest will be 4% higher than in 2006. The harvest of Gala apple variety promises to be especially good. The production growth is also forecasted for Red Delicious and Granny Smith varieties.

Pear production may insignificantly decrease due to the lower yield of Bartlett variety. The production growth is expected only to Packham variety.

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