Warm winter can result in price growth for apples in Ukraine and Russia
Warm weather in December-January in Ukraine can lead to the increased losses of apples stored by the producers and small wholesalers. In future this situation can result in the growth of sales prices. The players of Ukrainian produce market have been confirming this information recently in the conversation with the experts of the "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal.
Those farmers and wholesalers report about apple spoilage in storages who do not own modern premises with the forced cooling, ventilation and good insulation. This fact significantly increases the storage expenses, as spoiled apples should be quickly removed out of the storages. Also, the apple stock is reduced; the prices for this product are pressed up.
The producers and wholesalers in Poland face the same problems, as most part of apples is still stored in out-of-date storages. The share of Polish apple is greater now than the share of Ukrainian apple on the markets of large cities in Ukraine. This fact can also substantially influence the price growth. To the opinion of the analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, apple price growth in Poland and in Ukraine will also be echoed to the apple prices on Russian market.