During 11 months of 2006 Ukraine has exported 25 times as much onion than in 2005
According to the updated data provided by the State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine, 2,940 tons of onion have been exported from Ukraine during 11 months (January-November 2006). The export size is 25 times as large comparing to the volume exported in 2005 (114 tons) and 15 times as large comparing to the average volumes exported during the previous 5 years (2001-2005).
Around 75% of the export went to Poland, a new country to supply onion with. The considerable amounts of this product were supplied to Russia, Romania and Belarus.
The export growth became possible due to the onion production increase in Ukraine (mostly due to the acreage extension), and also because of the poor onion yield in the European Union countries after the summer drought. The increased demand and high prices for onion abroad stimulated Ukrainian companies to build up the exporting volumes.