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January 25 2007, 09:01

Bell pepper import to Ukraine increased more than twice in 2006

The import of bell pepper to Ukraine has amounted to 4,776 tons worth to $ 2.3 mln. during 11 months of 2006. This figure exceeds the data of 2005 more than twice (2,263 tons in 2005). The import growth took place irrespective of the increased pepper production in 2006 in Ukraine.

More than 70% of pepper import is performed in winter and spring months; the imported volumes reduce in summer and autumn. However, more than 60 tons of pepper were monthly supplied to Ukraine at the peak season of pepper harvesting in our country.

The main pepper supplier is Spain; around 56% of the mentioned import volume were supplied from this country during 11 months 2006. Netherlands performed 22% of pepper supplies to Ukraine. Israel, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Greece and Italy were the large suppliers of this product too.

The increased pepper supply to Ukraine points at the existing growth of the demand for vegetables in Ukraine out of the traditional season of vegetable production and sales in the country, to the opinion of Maxim Yenchenko, the Market Information Specialist of the Agricultural Marketing Project. The import isn't stopped even when the relatively cheap national product is present on market. This fact proves the growth of the consumers' segment where the quality but not the price is the key factor to choose the product. The thing is, no imported pepper supplies were recorded July to October in 2004.

It is worth mentioning that the specialists of the Agricultural Marketing Project observed the considerable acreage extension for the high-quality bell pepper of the popular varieties grown by the national producers. The national pepper size, shape and flavor fully equaled to the imported product; but, the packing, labeling, produce cooling on the way to the buyer are the weak points of the national suppliers.

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