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February 13 2007, 15:07

Ukraine: cabbage prices started growing

According to information provided by the specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, the price growth for cabbage is observed in Ukraine. This fact characterizes almost all oblasts of Ukraine.

The market players talk about several factors contributing to the price growth for cabbage. First of all, the demand for cabbage has increased; it especially concerns the quality produce. The representatives of the wholesale companies mention the second circumstance which is the reduced stocks of the quality cabbage in the farms. In its turn, this fact influences the total quantity of the cabbage supplies on market. Warm weather led to the cabbage spoilage in the non-equipped storages.

As of today, the average wholesale prices for cabbage are $0.2-0.24/kg in Ukraine. The undersized cabbage of medium quality is offered for sale for a lower price of $0.13-0.18/kg. It is worth mentioning that in some cases the prices for cabbage increased up to $0.3-0.4/kg when the demand significantly exceeded the supply.

To the specialists' opinion, it is difficult to forecast the further change of the cabbage prices, as well as to evaluate the volumes of the quality produce left in the farms.

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