Dramatic price growth for bell pepper is recorded in Ukraine
The prices for bell pepper are steadily growing in Ukraine. The specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal explain this circumstance by a stable high demand for bell pepper on the background of a gradually reduced supplies of the imported bell pepper to Ukraine. As of today, imported produce of high quality makes the most part of bell pepper supplies. The resellers of this product are easily lifting up sales prices guided by a stable demand.
For example, today the major volumes of bell pepper are sold in a price range $ 3.4-6/kg in Ukraine. The price depends on quality, variety and the shipment size of the supplied produce.
To the specialists' opinion, the escalating price trend will be preserved on bell pepper market till the bulk supplies of this product are implemented by the national greenhouses, and the producers supply field produce afterwards.
At the present moment greenhouse pepper supplies are occasional on the national market. The national greenhouse complexes set low sales prices ($2.4-3/kg) because of a relatively medium quality of the supplied produce.