Polish freezing companies purchase strawberry for $0.6-0.8/kg
Polish trade sources inform the experts of ""Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal", that Polish producers of flash frozen berries have set the purchase prices for strawberry within the limits $0.54/kg to 0.9/kg depending on the quality and the region of production. Polish producers traditionally consider this price to be too low despite of the fact that the prices were even lower in the previous season. Polish growers think the prices should be higher, because the strawberry supply declines.
At the same time, the analysts admit the possibility that the prices for commercial strawberry will soon start growing in Poland. The main reason is a rather short supply of the produce for such price. The producers of flash frozen berries will have to gradually increase the purchase prices, because many of them have large contracts for the produce export to fulfill.
It is also worth mentioning that the prices for strawberry on fresh market are significantly higher than the prices for commercial strawberry in Poland. The average wholesale price for this product is $1-2/kg at the present moment.