Vegetables and potato grow expensive in Ukraine
The trend of the price growth for most vegetables has been observed this week in Ukraine. The finished season of harvesting and sales of super-early vegetables, and the yet insufficient supply of early produce precondition this situation. The prices for early potato and cabbage have significantly increased just during 3-4 days of this week. Washed carrot and quality onion of past year harvest have got expensive as well.
At the same time, the assortment of early vegetables for sale has been significantly extended during the reported period of time. The supply of newly harvested early potato has jumped up by the end of week. Being of a very high quality, this carrot costs only $0.4-0.6/kg more expensive than the past year carrot. Early (winter) onion has also started to enter the markets; however, this product will be actively sold not earlier than by mid June. Right now the prices for this product have already been dynamically declining in the southern regions. The supply of the national Pekinese cabbage, squash, eggplants and other early vegetables is growing too.
To the opinion of the specialists of ""Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal", the prices for early carrot may match the prices for past year harvested carrot in the nearest future. Also, the supply of early vegetables and field potato will grow by the end of June, so that the prices will be adjusted downwards.