"Vitmark-Ukraine" company opened a new complex for PET-packed juice production
A new production complex for juice PET packing of the annual capacity of more than 200 mln. of items was opened mid June on "Vitmark-Ukraine" company production site in village Stepanovka, Odesa region.
The new sub-brand of the company, "Jaffa FreshUp", was the first product of the line. This is the line of premium juices and nectars in "pickup" convenient format, i.e. PET packing of 0.5 l capacity.
The company's press release informs that, aiming at the continuation of its innovative strategy, "Vitmark-Ukraine" company enlarged the list of the traditional classic flavors: orange, pineapple, apple, apple-grape, multivitamin, and banana-strawberry. Now the company introduces brand new innovative mixes based on the formulations developed by the company technologists: they are pineapple-melon, mango-passion fruit, and pear-cactus. The assortment will be extended in the perspective.
Sergey Malets, the Vice-President on Marketing and Sales says that the company has actually introduced the product in the convenient PET packing "under umbrella" of premium-brand for the first time on this market. "We applied a completely different approach to all components of the created "Jaffa FreshUp" project. First of all, we strived to satisfy particularly the market demand in premium juices in convenient packing; in fact, the consumers have had no alternative till this time", Sergey Malets says.
"Jaffa FreshUp" just starts to enter the regional trade chains, but the market experts have already supposed that three new mixes: pear-cactus, mango-passion fruit and pineapple-melon are to become the hits of summer season.
Note: "Vitmark-Ukraine" holding is one of the largest Ukrainian producers of juice, nectars, juice-containing drinks, baby food, puree and concentrated semi-ready products (ТМ "Jaffa", "Odesa baby food cannery", "Sokovyta"). The company was founded in 1994. The holding occupies 25% share of juice, nectar and drinks market. The company turnover constituted 600 mln. UAH ($120 mln.) in 2006.
The holding consists of the following enterprises: Joint Enterprise "Vitmark-Ukraine", Opened Joint-Stock company "Odesa baby-food factory" (Odesa), Kuchurganskiy plant (village Stepanovka, Razdelnyanskiy district, Odesa region), Rakhny-Lesoviye cannery (village Rakhny-Lesoviye, Vinnitsa region). The latter enterprise is the holding center of concentrate apple juice and semi-ready puree food production.