IFC invites to participate in the Field day on the modern technologies of watermelon production in Kherson oblast (grafted transplants)
The project of vegetable production development in the Southern region of Ukraine, International Finance Corporation (IFC) invites to participate in the Field day "Modern technologies of watermelon production". The event will be held on June 10th 2007 on the basis of "Tachanka" LLC in village Obryvka, Tsuryupinsk district, Kherson region.
The Field day program includes the reports of the specialists on the modern world technologies of watermelon production, including the production of grafted transplants, the technologies of irrigation and fertigation, plant protection system. The experts will present the overview of Ukrainian market of cucurbits crops and major trends of its development.
Andriy Yarmak, the Manager of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" project plans to speak on the questions of the development of the world market of cucurbits crops according to the Field day program.
The vegetable producers from Kherson, Nikolayev, and Odesa regions, input suppliers, wholesale companies-produce market players, and the produce business experts are invited to participate in this event.
To participate in the Field day, please call to the Project office in Nikolayev, tel: (0512) 580123, 580124.