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August 14 2007, 10:04

Bananas and Apples Retain the First Places in Fruit Consumption in EU Countries

Bananas and apples are the most marketable products within the fruit group in majority of EU countries. The research of the Dutch wholesale company The Greenery evidences that. Consumers buy these fruits almost as often as the most popular vegetables.

Ninety two percent of consumers buy apples at least once a year, and about 91% of consumers buy bananas. Bananas are more popular than apples in such countries as England and Germany, and apples are more popular in Holland. Note that these two fruits are unconditional leaders in consumption not only according to frequency of consumption but also according to sales volumes.

Tangerines and their varieties (clementines etc.) rank the third among the most consumable fruits. They are bought at least once by 82% of customers. Table grapes are less popular there. For example, in Holland they are not included in the five most consumable fruits, but they rank the third in Germany. Oranges lag behind grapes according to their purchase frequency, but they are also among the most buyable fruits.

One more fruit, which is very popular among consumers, is the strawberry. However, it is more popular in Holland and Great Britain than in Germany, where it does not even constitute the five most buyable fruits.

In Ukraine, according to analysts of weekly - "Agrooglyad: Vegetables & Fruits in Ukraine" estimates, consumption of fruits is subject to serious season fluctuations in contradistinction to EU countries. Apples retain consumption leadership among fruits in Ukraine, but the share of bananas and citrus fruits is going up constantly. The strawberry share is relatively small in consumption, as the season of its production and sale is too short comparing to that in EU countries, where fresh strawberries can be bought practically the whole year long.

One can learn about consumption of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine and Russia in more detail during the work of the following international conferences: , i.e. "Fruits&Vegetables Business of Russia 2007. Market of New Opportunities" , held on October 23-25, 2007 in Moscow on the "Expocentre" territory, also , which will take place in Kyiv on December 4-5, 2007 on the territory of Scientific Complex "Expocentre of Ukraine."

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