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September 4 2007, 12:21

"Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" subscribers now can access daily prices for potato, vegetables, melons&watermelons in Moscow

"Agrooglyad: Fruits and Vegetables" weekly, CIS produce business periodical, now provides its clients with access to the daily wholesale prices for vegetables, potato and melons&watermelons recorded on Dmitrovskiy market, one of the largest wholesale markets in Moscow. We'd like to remind that, subscribing to the weekly, its clients get login and password to access all materials of portal. So, at the present moment "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" subscribers can use information about daily prices for fruits&vegetables on the largest produce markets of three countries - Ukraine, Russia and Poland. In future we plan to further expand the monitoring geography and to link additional wholesale markets to the system, first of all Russian Federation markets. The access to daily wholesale prices on the largest wholesale markets of these countries, which are actively involved in the mutual trade of fruits&vegetables, is the most important tool for any specialist of fruit&vegetable business. The wholesale companies and retail chains, large and medium producers, processing enterprises and input suppliers have already been actively using this system. You can subscribe by filling this form on APK-Inform site.
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