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September 20 2007, 17:10

Greenhouse complexes of Ukraine prefer exporting produce to Russia

Greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes continue to steadily rise in price on the inner market of Ukraine. As of today, greenhouse farms declare tomato sales on the price level $0.9-1.1/kg; they offer cucumbers for $0.76-1/kg. The representatives of greenhouse complexes of Ukraine inform that, to a certain extent, Russian wholesalers initiate the price growth on the inner market. They are not daunted by high prices for Ukrainian cucumbers and tomatoes and the perspectives of the further price growth.

In this regard many large national greenhouse complexes allocate the major volumes of their products exactly for the exports at the present moment. And, they continue recording the increase of the sales volumes despite of the rapidly zooming sales prices.

The work on the inner market does not bring great profits to such companies: because of the high prices the national wholesalers purchase small shipments of tomato and cucumber, as a rule. Some of them continue preferring to deal with the remnants of field tomato supplies and give up purchasing greenhouse cucumber.

You will find out the detailed perspectives of Ukrainian market of greenhouse vegetables from the leading experts of this industry during the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", to be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. The online registration form for the conference participants is available here.

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