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September 24 2007, 09:02

Rates of potato and vegetable harvesting are higher than in 2006 in Kharkivska region

According to statistical data posted to the website of Regional State Administration of Kharkivska region, as of September 1st 2007 the regional farms have harvested 901,100 tons of potato. This figure is 180,900 tons (or +25%) is higher than at the same period of time past year. The average yield is 154 centner/ha, i.e. +28 centner/ha as much than in 2006. As of the same date, 211,600 tons have been already harvested; this figure is 8,600 tons or +4% is larger than in the previous year.

According to the specialists' calculations, the annual need of the population of Kharkivska region for vegetables is 396 thousands of tons, including 349,000 tons of potato. This need is fully satisfied by means of the own production. Private households of the population produce almost all vegetables. The specialists say, this circumstance supports the seasonal deficit of certain vegetables; in its turn, this deficit stimulates vegetable supply from the other regions, and also provokes the seasonal increase of the sales price.

According to the forecasts of the specialists of CIS produce business periodical, "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly, potato production will occupy the same level as in 2006 in Kharkivska region; vegetable production will decline. The journal analysts explain the higher rates of harvesting process by the earlier ripening of vegetables and potato this season.

The more detailed forecast of production and prices for fruits and vegetables will be presented to the participants of the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", to be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. The online registration form for the conference participants is available here.

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