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September 25 2007, 18:00

Prices for onion go down in Poland. What will happen in Ukraine and Russia?

The results of the wholesale price monitoring, conducted in Poland by the specialists of CIS produce business periodical, "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly, prove that onion prices continue declining in the country. At the present moment the wholesale price for onion has declined down to $0.2-0.3/kg on Bronisze market (near Warsaw), the largest wholesale market of Eastern Europe. This price is almost one third as low than a month ago, and 30-35% as low than at the same date past year.

We'd like to point out that no significant changes in onion prices have been observed in Ukraine in the recent four weeks. The prices for onion are approximately 10-15% higher now on Ukrainian market than at the same period of time past year.

The prices are somewhat lower now in Russia, than at the same period of time past year; onion costs $0.36-0.48/kg now there. So, Ukrainian onion supplies to Russian market are becoming profitable now; but they bring less profit than in the previous season when the price difference was more significant.

We'd also like to mention that in connection of the insignificant price difference for onion in Ukraine and Russia at the present moment Russian importers purchase onion in Ukraine with better profit. Moreover, the supplies of fruits and vegetables of Polish origin to Russian Federation market are officially banned.

You can find out the perspectives of the prices for onion and other fruits and vegetables, and also the modern technologies of production, post harvest handling, packing and marketing of vegetables, fruits and berries during the CIS largest fruit&vegetable conferences: "Fruits&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007. Wealth of New Opportunities" and "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader". There are less than three weeks till the registration for participation in Russian conference is over!

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