Supplies of agricultural products of Southern Osetia to Russia are permitted
As a result of the agreement between Taimuraz Mamsurov, the Head of Northern Osetia, and Sergey Dankvert, the Chief of Federal Service for Veterinarian and Phyto-Sanitary Inspection, the Ministry of Agriculture, Russian Federation, the supplies of agricultural products, grown in Southern Osetia, to Northern Osetia are permitted. The ban has been in effect for more than a month.
The Chief of Republic appealed to the Chief of the mentioned Federal Service at once after the border for the produce of Southern Osetia has been closed according to the decision of the Inspection. As a result of the efforts of Taimuraz Mamsurov, the inhabitants of Southern Osetia are able to supply to the neighboring Northern Osetia Republic apples, pears and other fruits, but for root crops, cucurbits crops and fresh herbs.
The order of Federal Service for Veterinarian and Phyto-Sanitary Inspection, the Ministry of Agriculture, Russian Federation permits the supplies of cheese and other ready heat-treat diary products to Northern Osetia.
A special commission from Vladimir is working now on the territory of Southern Osetia Republic - it samples and tests soil. After the commission presents its conclusion, the ban for the supplies of root crops, including potato, cucurbits crops and fresh herbs of the origin of Southern Osetia will possibly be raised.
The supplies of agricultural products from Southern Osetia will significantly extend the opportunities of consumer market of its neighbor Northern Osetia.
The activities in this sphere are the components of the complex measures undertaken by the authorities of Northern Osetia to manage the situation, created because of the price growth for essential food products. The Republic Government thinks that this is the way to not only stop price growth for this group of products, but also to decrease prices.
Taimuraz Mamsurov set a task for executive power - to produce and supply agricultural products in the volumes able to satisfy the inner demand of the Republic. "Due to these steps we will be able to protect the inhabitants of the North from the negative consequences of inflation and price fluctuations; the inhabitants of the South will have a chance to sell their products, milk, fruits on the market of the Republic", Taimuraz Mamsurov believes.
You will find out the details of the situation on fruit&vegetable market of Caucasus during the CIS largest specialized forum and business tour "Fruits and Vegetables of Caucasus 2007" to be held on the 27th-29th of November 2007 in Tbilisi and Batumi.