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November 2 2007, 09:13

Juice production has increased 44% during first three quarters 2007 in Ukraine

According to information of the analysts of CIS produce business periodical, "Agrooglyad: Fruits and Vegetables" weekly, the production of vegetable and fruit juices and nectars during first nine months of this year in Ukraine has exceeded 44% past year benchmarks, according to the data of the official statistics.

Sandora company, recently purchased by PepsiCo, remained the absolute leader as for the volumes of juice production in Ukraine: around 46% of the total production is allocated to this company. The statistics records the production volumes of concentrated juices, so, according to our estimations, Sandora's share in juice and nectar production reached 49-50%.

Market leader demonstrated also the most impressive growth rates - this company increased 64% the production comparing to first 9 months of 2006.

Information about strategic perspectives of fruit&vegetable production and processing in Ukraine, as well as short-term production and price forecast will be presented by the leading experts of fruit&vegetable business during CIS largest international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine. Meeting New Leader". The event will start on December 4th on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv and will last for three days. To participate in the conference, you need to fill in the online application form.

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