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December 25 2007, 17:04

Vladimirskaya region is able to become the largest supplier of chips raw materials

Melenkovskiy district is able to become one of the major suppliers of raw materials for chips in Russia, Information Company "Russia" informs. LLC "Svetlana", the local enterprise, has already been the largest producer of chips potato in the region. The enterprise managed to have a very rich harvest even in 2007 which was characterized by the unfavorable weather conditions.

Andrey Sinitsyn has been growing potato for more than 15 years. He knows almost all about the "second bread". Mr. Sinitsyn visited America in order to exchange experience. Potato cultivation areas are the same large in America as in Russia. However, the farmer doesn't think he should copy Americans, because the motherland has the peculiarities. Six US specialists are able to do the same work which the team of 45 persons does in "Svetlana" farm. The farmer has been unable to minimize the labor to such an extent yet; despite of this fact, LLC "Svetlana" is one of the leading farms in the district and the largest producer of chips potato in the region.

The harvest 2007 is stored in the special sheds. The entrance to the storages is severely restricted in order to preserve the temperature mode: the specialists of this enterprise say, potato suffers from stresses the same like humans do.

Potato of chips variety differs from the common varieties by its taste - but its shape is more even. Despite of the weather whims in 2007, the enterprise was able to perform the significant production volumes thanks to the special machinery.

"This year we cultivated 750 hectares of potato: we harvested almost 22,000 tons of this crop. This is probably the largest gross harvest of potato in Vladimirskaya region due to the application of modern technologies and the advanced equipment ", Yuri Deryugin, the Executive Director of the company says.

The enterprise forecasts to harvest 30,000 tons of chips potato in the coming 2008.

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