Increasing number of Polish farmers switches to walnut production
The players of nuts market in Poland inform the specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly, Polish farmers have been actively extending walnut cultivation areas in recent years. According to the data of the official statistics, in 2007 only, walnut acreage increased more than thrice!
The increase of walnut cultivation areas is predetermined by a high level of the production cost efficiency and a good demand for the nuts both on the inner and external markets.
Despite of the sharply extended acreage, in 2007 Polish farmers were able to harvest approximately the same volume of nuts as in 2006 - around 6,000 tons. The main reason is the unfavorable weather conditions and frost observed early May, which led to the significant harvest losses. Nevertheless, we should expect the sharply increased walnut production to take place in Poland in 2008.
Taking into account a great interest to nuts production in Ukraine, "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" made the decision to conduct the first international nut forum in Kyiv on the 31st of January 2008. The reports of the leading experts - nut growers of Ukraine, France and Moldova are planned in the framework of this forum. Also, the estimation of the nut market volume (walnut, hazelnut and almond) and the perspectives of its development will be presented for the first time.
Follow this link to see the application form for participation in the forum. The registration for participation in the event finishes in a week!