Leningradskaya region: the first champignon production complex on the North-West is launched in "Prinevskoye" farm
The new project of "Prinevskiy" farm filled in the niche of "Leto" firm on the regional market. The champignon complex of "Leto" firm was liquidated in 2006. "Prinevskoye" farm took advantage of the personnel of "Leto" firm - it employed the micro-biologists and mushroom production specialists. The investments to the construction and equipment of champignon complex amounted to RUR 230 mln. ($9.38 mln.), www.lenobl.ru informs. The farm utilized both own assets and credit funds for the project implementation; the part of the interest rate was reimbursed by the budget of Leningradskaya region. According to the tentative estimations, the complex will pay back in 2-3 years.
Mukhazhir Etuyev, the Director of the farm, mentions only the similar enterprises of Moscowskaya region and Poland as the competitors in mushroom sales. However, the quality of the products of "Prinevskoye" farm is superior to the competitors' products - the champignons of Leningradskaya region will be the freshest on the shelves of local shops and supermarkets.
"Commercial champignon production is actual in the region, it will develop", Sergey Yakhnyuk, Vice-Governor of Leningradskaya region, emphasized during the opening ceremony of the complex. "There is a plan to open one more champignon complex in "Vesna-Tikhvin" farm this year; the designed capacity of the farm will amount to 700 tons of mushrooms per year".
When the gross champignon production exceeds 2000 tons in the region, the specialists of "Prinevskiy" farm are ready to implement the next stage of the project - to construct own plant for compost production for mushroom complexes. There is no doubt that the undertaking will be successful - "Prinevskoye" farm is the regional leader as to the achieved yield of vegetables, grain crops and potato, it produces and processes cow and goat milk - the farm competes with city milk giants.