Russian fruit & vegetable market prices, news, statistics and reviews available for subscription at a discounted price until the end of February!
Since Russia is presently the leading market for fresh produce in the world in terms of market growth ratio, suppliers of fruits & vegetables as well as suppliers of inputs, equipment and machinery are very interested in tracking the market developments in this country. Ukraine, being the largest country in Europe in terms of territory is also of a high interest among suppliers & investors. However, until recently, good market information about these countries was very difficult to come by.
The informational gap has been filled by a new weekly publication: Fruit-Inform issued by Fruit-Inform Project, which has been monitoring Russian, Ukrainian and Polish horticultural markets for more than 5 years now.
Subscription to Fruit-Inform Weekly includes daily wholesale market prices in Russia and Ukraine for all key fruits and vegetables, weekly farm-gate prices for domestically grown products and average wholesale prices for imported produce, weekly market repots with information about price and trade trends as well as price forecasts and expectations. Subscribers also receive regularly updated production, exports and imports statistics, fundamental production and prices forecasts and key market news and other useful information.
While information will be sent to clients via e-mail every Monday morning, they are also able to access it through web-portal. Besides, subscribers of the Fruit-Inform are able to place their commercial offers and bids at the trade board of the portal, which is visited by around 45,000 companies every month. Specialists of Fruit-Inform will take care of translation of these offers and bids into Russian and include them in the weekly journal "Agroogliad: Vegetables & Fruits" - leading fresh produce business publication in Russia and Ukraine.
Yet another benefit for subscribers would be additional discounts for participation in the largest fresh produce conferences in the Eastern Europe organized and held by the Project.
Only until the end of February 2008 subscription to the weekly report will be available at a special discounted price of 89 euro. Annual subscription is offered at a 15% discount (only 76 euro per month). Starting from March 1, 2008 subscription price will be 99 euro.
To subscribe to Fruit-Inform today at save 276 euro please send an e-mail to and specify your name of the company, brief information about its activities, contacts and the length of subscription (minimum subscription period is 3 months). You can download the latest addition of Fruit-Inform here