Complex for "wild plants" processing will be opened in Tuva
Production complex "Chagytaj", the processing facility for so-called "wild plants" (mushrooms, berries and nuts) will be launched in May 2006 in Tuva Republic. The press service of the Republic Administration with the reference to Valentin Yendan, the Minister of Agriculture of the region, has informed about this fact the journalist of "FederalPress" today, on the 28th of February.
The mounting and the launch of the workshop for wild berries flash freezing, mushroom canning, production of balms, etc. have been already planned.
Past year the Government of the Republic allocated RUR 20 mln. for the reconstruction of the plant premises.
The inhabitants of taiga districts are expected to supply raw materials to this complex. For example, according to the official records, 45 tons of pignoli nuts were taken out the Republic past year; in reality, several times as greater volume was not recorded in the official statistics.