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March 12 2008, 09:10

Russia: greenhouses started to grow strawberry in Blagoveschensk

Strawberry entered the shops of Blagoveschensk - but this is not an imported, but a locally grown product. The producers of Blagoveschensk are growing this berry for the first time. Two greenhouses harvest 14 kg of strawberry on a daily basis. But, this volume is not enough - the consumers' demand for strawberry is many times as high, Informational Agency "Amur Info" informs.

The strawberry is sold for RUR 500/kg ($20.8/kg). The greenhouses cannot complain on the lack of buyers.

"We can say, the volume of strawberry harvest is insufficient. We haven't been ready to the demand which we observe today. The demand greatly exceeds the volumes we are able to offer", Vitaliy Bondarev, the General Director of the farm admits.

The idea to implement the large-scale greenhouse strawberry production in Blagoveschensk was adopted from Chinese neighbors. The greenhouse workers prove that they do not apply any special fertilizers. They do not fear for the competition with the private households in summer - the greenhouse will just have to reconsider the prices. In future the greenhouse owners plan to grow grape - the grape seedlings have been planted there for a test.

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