Fruit production dramatically declined in EU
According to information provided by agra-net, in 2007 the total fruit production in EU-25 declined 11% down to 33.8 mln. tons. One year ago the EU fruit production reached 37.8 mln. tons; it was record high primarily due to the record harvest of citrus fruits in the southern countries of European Union.
We'd like to point out that 92% of all fruits were harvested in EU-15 and only 8% in the new EU members which were severely affected by spring frosts in 2007. The significant part of the rest production is concentrated in Poland.
According to estimations provided by the analysts of CIS fruit & vegetable business weekly "Fruit-Inform", in 2007 Ukraine harvested around 1.7 mln. tons of major fruits; the production increased 22% comparing to 2006. In 2008 Ukrainian orchardists expect for another increase of fruit harvest.
We'd like to remind that the forecast of the production and prices for fruits and vegetables in Ukraine will be available for CIS subscribers of "Fruit-Inform" early May. You can order the full version of the forecast per e-mail [email protected] (the forecast costs UAH 1999 for the subscribers and UAH 2500 for non-subscribers of the weekly).