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April 2 2008, 15:09

New season of the wholesale prices on the largest fruit & vegetable market of the South of Ukraine - seven days a week on Fruit-Inform portal!

The trade of fresh fruits and vegetables has significantly livened up on KOPANI market in the village Velyki Kopani, Khersonskaya region. This is the largest fruit & vegetable market of the South of Ukraine. In this regard "Fruit-Inform" project resumes the monitoring of the daily wholesale prices for fruit and vegetable products on this market starting from April the 3rd. The good news for the weekly subscribers will be the availability of the prices for fruits and vegetables on this market during the weekends too, when the trade is especially active.

To a large extent KOPANI market defines the prices for fruits and vegetables in the southern region of Ukraine; it often influences the price formation throughout the country in summer period. Exactly the prices of this wholesale market are the benchmarks for the wholesalers, supermarket chains and even the processors to set the purchase prices for vegetables. Not only the national buyers, but also the importers from the CIS countries purchase products on this market. KOPANI market also plays a very important role in the price formation for early vegetables and berries.

We'd like to remind that at the present moment "Fruit-Inform" monitors the wholesale prices on seven largest markets of Ukraine, two markets of Russian Federation and the largest market of Poland. It is hard to invent the better appropriate tool for the maximal guidance on fruit and vegetable market and for the tracking all the market trends.

Please remember that the daily prices on the wholesale markets, the average prices of the farmers-sellers of fruits and vegetables, the news, price-lists, the catalog of the enterprises, the market overviews, the statistics and the analytics are 24 h available for the subscribers of portal.

To get the access to the wholesale price monitoring and the other materials of the portal, you need to subscribe for "Fruit-Inform" journal, which electronic version is issued on a weekly basis. Subscribing for this journal, you will also get the access to the daily prices on the wholesale markets and the other materials in English, available on our portal. Please read here how to subscribe for the journal.

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