Ukraine: mushroom prices are 1.5 times as high than in 2007
The analysts of "Fruit-Inform" weekly inform, the dynamically increasing demand for the cultivated mushroom is observed on Ukrainian market at the present moment. Ukrainian producers are not able to satisfy the increasing demand; so, the prices for champignon and the oyster mushroom zoom up on the inner market.
As of April 21st, the wholesale prices for champignon are 62% as high, the prices for oyster mushroom are 46% as high than at the same date past year.
To the opinion of Andriy Yarmak, the head of "Fruit-Inform" project, the price increase for mushrooms directly relates to the sharply increased prices for all major fruits and vegetables in a new season. Also, the price growth for meat has an impact on the increased demand and prices for the cultivated mushroom, as mushrooms compete with meat for the consumers.
We should also point out that the harvest of the wild mushrooms in 2007 was much lower than usually because of the droughty and hot summer. The demand for the cultivated mushrooms zooms up because of this factor too. The increased expenses for the energy and labor costs have their impact as well.
The leading experts of this industry in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Holland and other countries will speak in details about the perspectives of the mushroom industry of Ukraine in the coming years, and also about the technological novelties of the mushroom business during the largest professional event - the III international conference-exhibition "Mushroom Industry 2008".
More than 200 persons are expected to participate in the event; they will be all leading producers and buyers of the cultivated mushrooms of Ukraine, and also the companies-suppliers of the equipment, technologies and solutions for the mushroom business. The mushroom business trade forum will become the novelty of the event; in the framework of the forum the mushroom growers will have a chance to meet with the representatives of the processing enterprises, the wholesale companies and the retail chains.