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May 16 2008, 10:58

The imports of cheap fruits and vegetables will flood Ukraine starting from today

According to "Fruit-Inform" data, new import tariff rates for fruits and vegetables have been introduced since midnight, May 16th 2008 on the territory of Ukraine.

Despite of the fact that Verkhovna Rada has not considered the draft law about the Custom tariffs of Ukraine (about the synchronization of the import tariff rates with the rates specified by the schedule of the tariff rates obligations of Ukraine because of the entrance to WTO in 2008), the source "Fruit-Inform" confirmed information that today the State Custom Service of Ukraine has sent its regional departments a letter with the order to apply new tariffs for the custom clearance.

Please find out how the tariff rates for fresh and processed fruits and vegetables are going to decrease, and what is the impact on the prices for fruits and vegetables in a new season in the survey "The forecast of the production and prices for fruits and vegetables in Ukraine in 2008". You can order the survey per tel: +38-0562-3207905 or e-mail [email protected]. The survey costs UAH 2,500. "Fruit-Inform" subscribers have the discount of UAH 500.

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