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June 3 2008, 09:25

Potato market of Ukraine - on the edge of the crucial changes

The analysts of "Fruit-Inform" weekly inform, being one of the global leaders of potato production and consumption, Ukraine is in the focus of the fixed interest of the investors who intend to develop this market. At the same time, the quality of the potato, sold by the retail chains, is beneath criticism. That's why Ukrainian consumers purchase the most part of potato outside the retail chains (on city markets, wholesale markets, unregulated markets, etc.).

However, the situation on potato market may be crucially changed in the nearest future. According to the data provided by "Fruit-Inform", at once several companies plan to launch the projects on the production, post harvest handling and marketing of potato in Ukraine. Also, the players of potato chips market show the steady interest to potato business of Ukraine. The large player of the frozen French fries market may possibly enter the country too. You will get the detailed information about potato market of Ukraine and Russia from the first fundamental survey "Potato business of Russia and Ukraine - 2008. State and development perspectives"; the analysts of "Fruit-Inform" project are finishing this study now. This is the first complex survey of potato business; this research will be a unique tool for the business planning for all large and medium players of potato business of both countries. At the present moment around 10 companies have already been interested in this survey, including the market players of the countries of Western Europe.

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