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November 21 2002, 18:05 Vedomosti

Russian interventions: rye being bought vivaciously

According to analytical service with Unidell company group, on the sixth day of grain intervention tenders - November 20 - lively trades could be observed on all the lots, put up for tender by federal agency, and all the lots were purchased completely. Milling rye was being sold quite vivaciously, and levels of price mark-downs from the limiting price level were being demonstrated most clearly by the rye producing regions. The lowest rye tender prices - 869 to 968 roubles per tonne - were registered in Povolzhye (the middle Volga basin) - the largest rye producing region (market price of rye group A in Povolzhye has been the lowest in the country - 550-700 roubles per tonne EXW). The next region in rye trading prices was Volgo-Vyatsky (the basin of mid-upper Volga and the Vyatka river, the region of Nizhni Novgorod). This area showed the prices of 998 to 1,033 roubles per tonne (market price for rye group A on the basis Tatarstan - Mordovia - Nizhni Novgorod is 600 to 800 roubles per tonne EXW). The tender prices in Ural region were close to the previously mentioned - 998 to 1,099 roubles per tonne (market price for rye group A on the basis Bashkotorstan - South Urals is 700 to 800 roubles per tonne EXW). Southern Russia has shown quite good result at tender - 1,105 roubles per tonne of rye (market price for rye group A on the basis Volgograd - North Caucasus is 700 to 850 roubles per tonne EXW). Also good result was achieved in rye tenders of Central Russia - the tender prices 1,199 to 1,287 roubles per tonne (market price for rye group A on the basis Oryol - Tambov is 750 to 850 roubles per tonne EXW). But the highest rye tender prices came off in Siberia - 1,298 to 1,301 roubles per tonne (market price for rye group A on the basis Novosibirsk - Altai is 600 to 700 roubles per tonne EXW). However, the volumes sold were small.

Noteworthy changes have occurred in trades for 4th class wheat. The tender prices have come quite close to the now actual market level. The 4th class wheat has been purchased into the intervention fund at prices by just 100-150 roubles per tonne exceeding the market level, and in some regions - just on the market level. On the first trading days the divergence between purchasing and market prices at 4th class wheat tenders was some 300-400 roubles per tonne.

1 USD = 32 roubles

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