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June 5 2008, 08:45

Ukraine actively builds up the imports of frozen potato

The analysts of "Fruit-Inform" weekly inform, in the first quarter 2008 Ukraine imported the record volumes of the frozen potato - around 2,220 tons. This volume is almost 4 times as large than the volume imported during the first three months of 2007 - just around 560 tons of this product have been imported during that period.

To the analysts' opinion, this fact is predetermined by relatively high prices for potato and other vegetables on the inner market, so that the supplies of the frozen potato became feasible. Around 85% of the frozen potato, supplied to Ukraine, are of Polish origin. Dutch companies provided the rest 15% of the supplies.

We'd like to remind that "Fruit-Inform" weekly is finishing the first complex survey of potato business of Russia and Ukraine, which contains all information required by the serious players of this market. Please find the contents of the survey on our portal. You can order the survey using this form.

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