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December 3 2002, 10:19 Interfax-Ukraine

Exports of sunflower seeds from Ukraine still negligible

In October this year, as in the previous month, Ukrainian companies exported a negligible amount of sunflower seeds - just 669 tonnes for just $260,000 worth - 31 times less than in October 2001.

However, according to Ukraine's oil crushers association Ukroliyaprom, this amount exceeds by 4.7 times that of September this year.

Experts attribute the small amounts of sunflower seeds exports to the effect of ban imposed since October 1, 2001 on seed exports under the give-and-take schemes, which were actively used by exporting companies before, because of currently effective 17-percent duty for oilseeds export.

One more factor, discouraging exports, according to traders, is attractiveness of Ukraine's domestic market for sunflower seeds sales.

Since the start of the current marketing year (September 1) exports of sunflower seeds have constituted just 809 tonnes for the total worth of just $0.264 million - 26 times down from the same period last year.

At the same time, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy predicts the exports of sunflower seeds in the 2002/03 marketing year (September to August) to triple, reaching 250,000 tonnes.

In 2001/02 MY Ukraine exported 83,000 tonnes of seeds for the total worth $20 million - 12.5 times less than in the previous MY.

In this marketing year sunflower seeds have been exported to Turkey, the Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Lithuania and Poland.

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