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August 13 2008, 13:43

Dagestan: farms harvested 30% of potato crop

This year, the producers of Dagestan are to receive over 385.000 tonnes of potatoes from 23.000 ha of the harvesting area. The largest areas under potatoes are sown in Akushinskiy, Levashinskiy, Buynakskiy regions. However these regions, except Buynakskiy, have not started harvesting of potatoes yet, the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Daghestan reported to RIA “Daghestan”.

In total, since the beginning of harvesting campaign , the farms harvested about 105.000 tonnes of potatoes from 6.500 ha, the average yield totaled 162 c/ha.

The highest yield on this crop is observed in the farms of Tlyaratinskiy region- nearly 300c/ha as well as in Derbentskiy, Shamilskiy regions – 250 c/ha.

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