Russia: China may take on Poland on the export volumes of apples
During the last five years China has yielded in apples export in Russia to Poland. The shares of two countries totaled 16% and 22%, respectively. However, soon this situation may change, ChinaPro reported. To date, over the half of apples exported from China to Russia comes to the Far East and Siberia.
At the moment, China controls 56% of apple production in the world. The apple yield in China is by 10 times more than in the regions of Russia, during the season-2007/08 they harvested 23 mln tonnes of fruits. At that, Russia took the first place on the apple import with the share of 23% (7 mln tonnes), USDA informed.
According to the results of the research, conducted by the English company "Euromonitor", apples take the one third in the total volume of fruits consumed by the Russians. Every person eats 13 kg of this fruit per year on an average.
According to the forecasts of "Fruit-Inform" project, Russia market expects for price-cutting for apples by 30% this season. The reason for this is increasing of domestic production as well as growth of supply from China and Poland, which are the traditional main suppliers of the imported apples to Russia.
The leading industry experts will discuss the prospects of the export trade of fruit and vegetable production in Russia during the Third International Conference "Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia - 2008" and the Fifth International Conference "Vegetables and Fruits of Ukraine 2008"". All the companies, prepaying their participation in the conference till September 10, will have discounts! Detailed information about the conferences is presented here.