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September 3 2008, 14:02

Tatarstan: potato-growers started harvesting campaign

The potato-growers of the Republic of Tatarstan started harvesting campaign. To date, the harvesting works were organized only in Kukmorskiy and Pestrechinskiy regions of the Republic, reported the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic to the correspondent of “Tatar-inform” agency.

This year, potatoes were cultivated throughout 13.100 ha (not taking into account private land lots of the population), last year – 11.400 ha. The farmers of almost all regions of the Republic cultivate potatoes.

In Kukmorskiy region, they harvested 900 tonnes of potatoes with 300 c/ha average yield. In Pestrechinskiy region – 780 tonnes of potatoes were harvested, the yield totals 173 c/ha. Therefore, harvest of this year crop is quite good.

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