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September 5 2008, 10:05

Representatives of one of the largest marine survey companies will report at the Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2008”

As it was earlier reported, the largest event in fruit and vegetable business of the CIS countries - the Third International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2008” will take place in November, 5-7, in Moscow in Expocentre on Krasnaya Presnya. The expected number of participants is over 250 delegates from 13-15 countries. The participants will represent professionals of fruit and vegetable business of the CIS, Baltic countries and far-abroad countries.

The representatives of one of marine survey companies - BMT De Beer from Netherlands, the part of BMT's Marine Risk and Insurance division, the largest independent marine survey organization in the world - confirmed their participation in the Conference. The reports on the subjects “The global reefer trade: trends in transportation, risks and claims” and “Specific of transportation in the reefer container”. See the changes in the conference’s program at our site “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2008”, there you can also get acquainted with conditions of participation and advertising opportunities.

Till September 10, discount for participation in the conference is 10%.

Information about participation in the conference presented by Marketing Dept. of Fruit-Inform

t/f: +380 562 320795, e-mail: [email protected]

With the questions of sponsorship and participation in the exhibition with stand, please, contact:

+7 (495) 6662240, extension 1009; mobile phone: (985) 7607349 – Ksenia Semina

+7 (495) 6662240, extension 1246 – Alexey Mochalov; fax: +7 (495) 6662241

Detailed information about the conference you can find here

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