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September 26 2008, 10:10

CIS: 71 % of potatoes and 33.2 % of vegetables harvested in Komi Republic

This year the harvesting campaign in Komi Republic moves forward slower than last year. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic, unfavorable weather conditions caused slowing down of the harvesting campaign – agricultural machinery is not able to work at its full capacity because of soil overwetting, IAREGNUM reported.

As of September 23, agrarian enterprises harvested 33.3 % of vegetables from the planned volume and 71 % of potatoes. The volumes of laying-in of fodder are also behind planned indices: 83 % of hay and 70% of silage were stored up. 117.7 % of haylage was stored.

The expected yield of potatoes and vegetables through the region will total 120 and 250 c/ha, respectively. The agrarians noted that these figures are higher than in the previous year, for example – the yield of potatoes in the agrarian co-operative organization “Palevicu” totals 190 c/ha, and the yield cabbage in the organization “Prigorodnui” amounts 350 c/ha.

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