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January 4 2003, 15:33 UkrInform

US Agency for International Development helps rural inhabitants from Rivne acquire land property acts

Cooperation in the sphere of state land property acts issuance is stipulated by an agreement, concluded between participants of the project for support of land privatisation in Ukraine and Rivne state regional administration (the region in the north-west of the country, adjacent to Belarus). The project, funded by US Agency for International Development, is aimed at providing technical and consultative assistance during titling new owners to the tracks of land after land sharing. It also provides for juridical simplification and cost reduction of the procedure.

According to the principles of the cooperation, there have been set up, on a tender basis, private land-surveying organisations to be responsible for issuance of state land certificates in 87 rural communities of the area, polluted by radio-nuclides, resulted from Chernobyl nuclear power plant catastrophe in 1986.

The process in other areas progresses at faster rates. There have already been prepared for distribution 173,000 land certificates. 224,000 of Rivne rural inhabitants have already received the document.

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