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October 7 2008, 13:09

One month is left till the most wide-scaled event in fruit and vegetable business of Russia

Fruit-Inform project, Information Agency APK-Inform and Expomedia Events remind that one month is left till the most wide-scaled conference in Russia "Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia - 2008" begins. The event will be held on November 5-7 and conducted in the framework of the international exhibition IFE Fresh Produce in Moscow at the Expocentre on Krasnaya Presna in the Pavilion 5. Since three years the conference has already become the traditional place for the first-rate players of fruit and vegetable business to meet. The main participants of the conference are managers and directors of the companies specialized on production, wholesale and retail trade of fresh fruit and vegetable produce in the territory of Russia and beyond its bounds, as well as the representatives of the most first-rated processed enterprises. Besides, the conference is regularly visited by the suppliers of seed, fertilizers and machinery which are acknowledged in Europe. Yearly the conference gets together nearly 200 delegates and provides a unique opportunity to receive exclusive information for all participants of fruit and vegetable business. The event will be opened by Victor Semenov, the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Committee on business undertakings in agrarian and industrial sphere of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia. At the moment the program is almost formed. More detailed information about participation in the conference is presented here. It is necessary to fill in the application form to take part in the conference.
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