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October 10 2008, 09:36

Dagestan: harvest of vegetables to forecast at 1 mln tonnes

Growers of Dagestan plan to harvest more than 912.000 of vegetables. However, analyzing the indices for the moment, one can make conclusion that the growers of Dagestan will increase the harvest to 1 mln. tonnes. Dagestan takes one of the first places in vegetable cultivation in Russia. Last year 800.000 tonnes of this crop were harvested, reported RIA “Dagestan”.

As of October 10, 28.400 ha of lands were harvested from 38.200 ha. This index is the same that last year. But the volume of the harvested vegetables totaled 723.500 tonnes, up 89 tonnes from 2007. The average yield totals 255 c/ha.

At the moment 22 regions from 42 finished the harvesting campaign.

After harvesting the largest crop, the question about produce selling arises. The problem lies in the narrowness of the domestic market of Dagestan and high costs of imports to the other republics of Russia.

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