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January 14 2003, 16:39 APK-Inform

Russia: grain purchase interventions results as of Jan 13

In the course of exchange tenders within the framework of ongoing state grain purchase interventions in Russia as of January 13, 2003 the state purchased 9,700 tonnes of milling wheat Class 3 and 47,300 tonnes of milling wheat Class 4, Federal Agency for Food Market Regulation with Russian Ministry of Agriculture has informed.

Over the twenty-seven trading days since November 13 till January 13 the state bought into the intervention fund 827,100 tonnes of milling wheat Class 3; 1,447,100 tonnes of milling wheat Class 4 and 350,000 tonnes of milling rye Group A. The total amount of the purchased grain was 2,624,200 tonnes. Total value of the purchases was 4,566,800,000 roubles, out of the 6 billion rouble loan, provided by the Savings Bank of Russian Federation.

According to analytical service with Unidell group, average exchange price for milling wheat Class 3 on January 13 was 2,299 roubles per tonne, for wheat Class 4 - 1,799 roubles per tonne.

In all regions and wheat classes volumes of purchase orders were large enough as compared to the wheat sales of recent days. As a result, no one supply basis has seen full-volume purchase of wheat and no competition issue has arisen. On all regional trading floors exchange price for wheat reached marginal level.

Wheat Class 3 was purchased in Siberia in the amount 5,600 tonnes out of the planned 16,300 tonnes, in the Urals - 1,100 tonnes out of 11,800 tonnes, in Tatarstan - 3,000 tonnes out of 5,300 tonnes. No 3rd class wheat purchases were registered in the Centre, South and Povolzhye.

Wheat Class 4 was purchased in Siberia in the amount of just 2,500 tonnes out of the planned 28,400 tonnes, in the Urals - 19,500 tonnes out of 25,000 tonnes, in Tatarstan - 23,300 tonnes out of 87,800 tonnes, in the Centre - 2,000 tonnes out of 7,000 tonnes. No 4th class wheat purchases were registered in the South and Povolzhye.

Russian Ministry of Agriculture expects the state to purchase at intervention 2.7 to 3.2 million tonnes of grain.

According to Federal Agency, the purchase tenders are being continued.

1 USD = 32 roubles

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