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February 25 2003, 16:38 Interfax-Ukraine

Spirit production quota in Ukraine can constitute 30 mln dal a year - experts

State quota for production of spirit in Ukraine, with account of domestic demand, may be established at the level of some 30 million dekalitres a year, experts from the concern Ukrspirt have assumed.

Ukrspirt is a state concern, embracing practically all spirit producing plants of Ukraine.

The experts say the quota will be introduced starting from 2004.

Establishment of yearly quota for production and consumption of spirit is stipulated by the President's Decree "About Measures of Establishment of State Monopoly in the Sphere of Control over Production and Turnout of Spirit, Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Goods" of December 28, 2002. The decree requires from consumers and producers of spirit to provide applications for its purchase and production ahead of time, with substantiation of the volumes.

There is a total of 84 state owned alcohol producing plants in Ukraine with 66 million dekalitres of total annual capacity.

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