More than 5000 fruit and vegetable companies in the catalogue of APK-Inform: vegetables and fruits
Participants of fruit and vegetable business! During last 5 years APK-Inform weekly is the leader in sphere of providing market information for domestic and international markets of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries and nuts.
At the moment more than 500 companies from all over the world involved in fruit and vegetable business are registered on the portal Producers of fruit and vegetable produce and wholesale companies form the main part of the catalogue. Also representatives of processing enterprises and hothouse complexes, suppliers of seeds, material and technical resources, financial and consulting organizations are registered in the catalogue.
Every market participant can use the catalogue of firms and trade base of the portal, there are a lot of abilities to sale or purchase fruit and vegetable produce or material and technical resources. Subscribers of APK-Inform: vegetables and fruits have a lot of advantages; they have an access to daily news of fruit and vegetable market, prices on wholesale markets of Russia, Ukraine and Poland. Also the subscribers receive weekly surveys of fruit and vegetable market of Ukraine and Russia, statistics information and interviews with the leading participants of fruit and vegetable market. Since the current season, subscribers of APK-Inform: vegetables and fruits will receive information about development prospects of fruit and vegetable market of Russia and Ukraine for the current market year. Should be noted subscribers of APK-Inform: vegetables and fruits have special conditions in purchasing analytical researches and participation in the international conferences that are held by APK-Inform: vegetables and fruits.