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April 4 2003, 14:56 Interfax-Ukraine

The Ukrainian distilleries will stay in state property till 2007

The government of Ukraine has made the decision not to privatize distilleries till 2007 because it can result in loosing the state control over manufacture and turnover of spirit and illegalization of the alcoholic market.

This decision is stipulated by the regulation of the Cabinet from April, 1 "About the statement of the Program of development of spirit, alcoholic beverage and winemaking branches in 2003-2007".

The government considers that conditions at which privatization of distilleries would be expedient in Ukraine are not created yet.

The program approves the order of privatization of alcoholic beverage and winemaking branches with the purpose of increase of efficiency of their work and expansion of a raw-material base.

Ukraine has 84 state distilleries which capacities make 66 million deciliters of spirit annually.

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