Ukraine's livestock industry statistics in May
According to Ukraine's State Statistics Committee, the number of cattle in all categories of Ukrainian farms as of June 1, 2003 constituted 9.729 million heads, decreasing from May 1, 2003 by 2,000 heads. The number of cows, constituting 48.3 percent of all the cattle head, dropped by 3,200 heads - to 4.699 million heads. The number of cattle dropped from June 1, 2002 by 581,000 heads (5.6 percent).
Head of pigs as of June 1 increased on a month by 280,000 heads or 3.2 percent - to 9.101 million. The number of poultry constituted 174.439 million, increasing on a month by 31.874 million or 22.4 percent.
Livestock industry production statistics in May was as follows: sales of animals and poultry for slaughter - 154,700 tonnes (drop from April by 93,800 tonnes or 37.7 percent); production of milk - 1.512 million tonnes, against 1.209 million tonnes in April; production of eggs - 1.280 billion against 1.264 billion in April.
Totally over the five months of 2003 (January to May) Ukrainian farms produced 1.036 million tonnes of animals and poultry for slaughter (by 75,900 tonnes or 7.9 percent up from the same months of 2002), 5.119 million tonnes of milk (-3.6 percent), 5.296 billion eggs (+2.6 percent).