Citrus market in Ukraine: what next?
Feverish demand on citruses during this week led to great advance in prices in Ukraine weekly issue, “APK-Inform: vegetables and fruits” informs. However according to forests of top-level Ukrainian importers of fruits this situation will become stabilize shortly after. In the judgment of experts there are no prerequisites for high price on citruses in Ukraine at least in first half of the season owing to good harvest in Turkey share of which in total volume of imports of lemons, oranges, mandarins in Ukraine accounts to more 30%.
During the work of sixth international conference “Vegetables and fruits of Ukraine market of prospects”about this and other features of citrus trading in Ukraine Cristina Kapelnetskaya, top manager of “Arkadiya” company will report . The conference taking place in Kiev at the NC "Expo-center of Ukraine" within the bounds of exhibition "Vegetables and fruits of Ukraine"on December, 1-2.
Orginazers of the conference remind you that deadline for submitting applications is November 23.
On the official site of the conference "" was published summarized program of the conference, also you can find there application form and list of participants which is updated every day.
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